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Alice Cooper
I photographed Alice Cooper on 2 occasions and both were nighmares. The first concert was in Edmonton on June 25, 1975 when he was promotting his Welcome To My Nightmare record. Just a few days before the concert Alice was performing in Vancouver where he fell off the stage, cracking some ribs. As a result the show in Edmonton was a abreviated version that lasted only long enough to collected the money for putting on a concert. His band came on stage first and played for at least 20 minutes before Alice joined them. In many of the shots you can see his hand is nursing his ribs because of the pain. The few shots I got were taken during the brief 25 minutes that he was on the stage. On June 25, 1977 Alice Cooper came to Calgary for an out door show that was billed a best of concert. Unfortunately before Alice hit the stage the wind came up and blew down the sound system. Then it rained for a good 2 hours before it cleared up enough for the show to go ahead. By this time half the lights were not operational and the sound system was was out of commission. For this last show my shots are both the worst of my career. The worst because most of the lights were gone and it was hard to get decent shots. At the same time they are my best considering the circumstances I was working under.
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