Kiss performed in the first rock concert I photographed in Calgary on May 20, 1974. They opened a concert featuring 3 bands including Savoy Brown and Manfred Mann. A concert reasonably priced at $4! The color shot on the bottom right of this page was taken at that concert. Kiss may have opened the show but from a production perspective they stole the show.
The black and white photos above were taken on July 31, 1977 when they performed at the Calgary Stampede Corral. The band was riding high with the hit Beth. I took many shots of the band and they are among the best of my career. Kiss is a very photogenic band and I never tired of shooting them in concert.
Keith Sharp arranged to interview Gene Simmons the day after the concert. When he arrived at the restaurant where the interview was to take place he realized that he might not be able to recognize Gene because he had never seen him without the make up. Luckily for him the restaurant had an older crowd so when Gene walked in he was able to pick him out.